Thursday – Friday Travels

Reference map will be helpful :), BTW that says GAS!!! sorry about the shitty readability.

Thursday workout: 4mi run in Henderson, NV, Pushups + Situps

Wednesday P and I walked into our La Jolla Sprinkles to pick up some cupcakes. We are driving to Elko, NV (see map) to visit my sister, brother in law, niece and nephew, and wanted to bring them some sweet treats from civilization. There was an adorable little girl, maybe 3 years old, with curly blonde hair, little bows etc. I mean I really don’t care for young kids and this girl MELTED my heart. She was giggling and laughing and trying to get the word “siesta” out. Apparently if you follow Sprinkles’ Twitter (this sealed the deal I will be getting a Twitter account within the next few days) and Facebook pages you are privy to secret words that will get you free cupcakes.

P and I cashed in on this and left Sprinkles with 2 free Key Lime cupcakes. I shamelessly ate ½ of mine for breakfast today. I had to scrape 2/3 of the frosting off, buttercream tastes like pure butter to me, I’m more of a ganache girl. Sad news… 1 Sprinkles cupcake has approx 500 calories WTF they do weigh like 1 lb each though.

 We left San Diego at 7:30 this morning and started North-East towards Las Vegas. One of my best girl friends from college, Sabrina, is currently living the life out in the City of Sin so I managed to snag her for a lunch date.

Sabrina suggested Lindo Michoacan, which had amazing Yelp! reviews so I was in. We sat near a window overlooking Las Vegas and feasted on amazing salads, enchiladas, tacos and FREE BEAN DIP! It was amazing to see Sabrina (I hadn’t seen her since graduation!) Las Vegas has been good to her and she caught us up on the latest and greatest of her life. UNLV is one of the schools that P and I plan on applying to work at once his is ready to teach the youth!! We have a list of maybe 20 schools that are in places we could see ourselves staying for 5+ years. Exciting things to come in our future.

I woke up late Thursday morning, so we couldn’t run in LJ and still make it to Vegas in time for lunch. P saved the day and suggested we run in Henderson after lunch. I love doing “running tours” of new places and was really excited. I had no idea what to expect in Henderson as it’s a suburb of LV and suburbs are SO unpredictable when it comes to running.

Luckily S invited us to the really nice part of town and we ran through beautiful new homes in a gated golf community. It was a blast. I had P take a few photos of me in front of the homes so that I he would remember and buy me one for Christmas. *wink*

After a quick stop for a Frosty for P and some Bubble Tape for me (hell yes). We were off!

The drive from SD to LV was pretty terrible.  I honestly have to wonder how Vegas ended up where it is. We also did a bit of randomness. P is a nerd. I love him for it. The “Extraterrestrial Highway”  was “just a short detour” so I indulged P and we headed out to spot some aliens.

Nevada is a bit different that California, there aren’t towns and gas stations every 15 miles.The ET Highway ended at a T junction and a “town” called Warm Springs. P and I figured we would be fine and just get gas in WS… or not. There was no town, the closest gas was 60 miles WEST and we were trying to go EAST. FML, so 1.5 hours (yes we drove that fast) and we had gassed up in some random town, called L&D (sis and bro  in law) and let them know we would be VERY late. (For reference, we should have driven straight north from point C to point E on the map)

After many games of 20 questions, “marry, boff, kill?” and would you rather? to stay awake we were in Elko, NV at 2:30am ish. WHAT A TRIP!!! The bonus: P got to drive the ET Highway AND “The loneliest Road” (I-50) and we drove through an AMAZING thunderstorm.

This little road trip should be amazing. SD to Vegas to Drop Phil off in Yosemite for the John Muir Trail to Visit Max in Westshore Tahoe to Pick Phil and Steve up in Bishop, CA then Back to SD.

Happy trails.

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